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Commitment to Quality and Strength

We offer a wide variety of services installing brick pavers at an affordable cost.

North Shore Area Brick Pavers

No Project is Too Big or Too Small for Us!

For more than 30 years, our team at Pavers by Pace has been installing brick pavers, walkways, patios, pool decks, custom fire pits, and other landscape features at both residential and commercial spaces in the North Shore area. Whenever we take on a project, our goal is using the highest-quality materials available and creating a finished result that you love- all at an affordable cost to you. No job is too big or too small for our professional and helpful experts. Give us a call today at (603) 944-1785 and schedule your free estimate!

Improve your outdoor space with Pavers by Pace Paving services in Pelham, NH

Let Us Improve Your Outdoor Space!

When you need a landscape project completed on-time and to your complete satisfaction, look to the experts with more than three decades of experience and countless satisfied customers. We are ready to work with you to design and install a wide range of elements at your home or business. Contact us today at (603) 944-1785 for more information on how we can improve your outdoor space!

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